The Mad Scientist teaches: Earth science & Astronomy [E-book]
The Mad Scientist teaches - Earth science & Astronomy
Earth Science is the study of the Earth, its atmosphere, and all of its neighbours in space. Because of the spherical shape of the Earth, the various categories of Earth sciences can be subdivided into the various 'spheres' that make up the planet; the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and the biosphere, corresponding to rocks, water, air, and life. Perhaps because the study of the Earth is usually about things that are readily observable, most people find Earth science subjects relatively easy to grasp, practical and very enjoyable!
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Earth Science is the study of the Earth, its atmosphere, and all of its neighbours in space. Because of the spherical shape of the Earth, the various categories of Earth sciences can be subdivided into the various ‘spheres’ that make up the planet; the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and the biosphere, corresponding to rocks, water, air, and life. Perhaps because the study of the Earth is usually about things that are readily observable, most people find Earth science subjects relatively easy to grasp, practical and very enjoyable!
The 58 projects contained in this science experiment e-book cover a wide range of Earth Science topics; from Astronomy & Geology to Gravity & Meteorology… there are even experiments on environmental sciences and the weather all designed for young students from grade 1 to 8! With this book, you are sure to find a project that interests you. When you are interested in a certain science topic, you will have more fun, and learn more, too!
With the help of this book, you will construct many weird, wonderful and wacky experiments that you can have hours of fun with! Amongst many others, you will prove the rotation of the earth with Foucault’s pendulum, use binoculars to safely project a detailed image of the sun on a wall; make a sundial to tell the time and experiment with gravity by making a spring balance to compare the weight of various objects!
Other fun experiments include: Learning about the phases of the moon with your own moon box, learning how to find the North Star in the night skies, calculating how fast the earth rotates around its axis, demonstrating how a total solar eclipse works, making an inclinometer or dipping compass, telling the time with your own water clock, making a rainbow with water and a mirror, using the sun’s infra-red rays to cook a potato, making dirty water pure and drinkable with evaporation & condensation, measuring the height of your school with the use of the sun, making a see-saw candle, making a water barometer to measure the air pressure, wind vane, evaporative refrigerator, anemometer, hygrometer and many, many more! When making these gadgets, you’ll discover that science is a part of every object in our daily lives, and who knows, maybe someday you will become a famous inventor too!
Science can be real simple and is actually only about understanding the world you live in! Science certainly does not need to be complicated formulas, heavy text books and geeky guys in white lab coats with thick glasses. Science experiments are an awesome part of science that allows you to engage in cool and exciting hands on learning experiences that you are sure to enjoy and remember! By working through the science experiments in this book, you will learn about science in the best possible way – by doing things yourself.
Designed with safety in mind, most of the items you will need for the experiments, such as jars, aluminium foil, scissors and sticky tape, you can find around your home. Others, such as magnets, lenses or a compass, you will be able to buy quite cheaply at a hobby shop or hardware store.
Includes complimentary 'Science Fair Success' e-Book!
Receive the complimentary e-book 'SCIENCE FAIR SUCCESS' together with your purchase of this or any other one of Experiland's science project e-books!
Together with the purchase of your science experiment e-book, you will also receive the complimentary e-book 'SCIENCE FAIR SUCCESS'. Many of the experiments in our science projects e-books can serve as the starting point to find inspiration for your next science fair project, and with the help of your bonus 'SCIENCE FAIR SUCCESS' book you will have a great science fair project that will wow your classmates and the judges!
Is the deadline for your science fair project quickly approaching? Not to worry, 'SCIENCE FAIR SUCCESS' is written in an easy to follow format that will guide you, step-by-step, how to create an exciting project that not only demonstrates good scientific practice but gives you the first-prize edge.