Measure the humidity level with your own hygrometer
By BookStore on September 22, 20150The humidity level is an indication of the likelihood of rain occurring and this is measured using a hygrometer....
Make a simple device to measure the dew point
By BookStore on September 22, 2015The 'dewpoint' temperature is the temperature at which the air can no longer hold all of its water vapour,...
Make your own refrigerator powered by evaporation
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Water 'evaporates' the fastest in warm, sunny areas. When water evaporates, heat or 'energy' is being drawn from the...
See how much water is contained in snow
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Have you ever wondered what happens to all the water after the snow of a heavy snow storm melts?...
Make a tornado in a bottle
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Similar to a real tornado, the whirlpool tornado in this science experiment is shaped by very powerful forces. Real...
Make your own barometer to measure the air pressure
By BookStore on September 22, 2015The atmospheric pressure or 'air pressure' can be explained as the 'push' that air exerts on its surroundings at...
Check the wind speed with your own anemometer
By BookStore on September 22, 2015An anemometer is an instrument helping us to measure the wind speed. An anemometer has a rotor that spins...
Know from which direction the wind is blowing with a wind vane
By BookStore on September 22, 2015The wind direction tells meteorologists what kind of weather they can expect, and the wind speed give them an...
Make a water barometer to measure the air pressure
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Make your own weather predictions by building your own water barometer in the following science experiment.
Measure the amount of rainfall with your own rain gauge
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Next time it starts raining, be one step ahead of your dad and measure the amount of rainfall with...