Demonstrate the gravitational centre of the earth and the moon’s orbits
By BookStore on September 21, 20150All nine of the planets in our galaxy orbit around the sun, and the moons orbit around the planets....
Use binoculars to safely view a detailed image of the sun
By BookStore on September 21, 2015As interesting as the Sun can be, it is very dangerous to look directly at the sun, as it...
Demonstrate the bulging effect of the earth due to centrifugal force
By BookStore on September 21, 2015Although the earth seems to be a solid mass, it actually gets distorted slightly due to the centrifugal force...
Find out why the stars in the sky are twinkling with this experiment
By BookStore on September 21, 2015Have you ever wondered what causes the stars up in the sky to 'twinkle' when you look at them?...
Use the shadows of the sun to tell the time
By BookStore on September 21, 2015A 'shadow clock' consists of a straight base with a raised crosspiece at one end. Make your own 'shadow...
Study how the positions of stars in the sky change
By BookStore on September 21, 2015The stars, including the 'Big Dipper' constellation, rotates around 'Polaris' daily as the earth turns around its own axis,...
Create your own solar and lunar eclipse
By BookStore on September 21, 2015Eclipse means to overshadow something. A 'solar eclipse' is caused by the moon blocking light to the earth, while...
Make a device for viewing a solar eclipse safely
By BookStore on September 21, 2015A 'lunar eclipse' is caused by the earth blocking light to the moon while a solar eclipse occurs when...