Make a spool ‘walk’ with the energy stored in an elastic band
By BookStore on October 6, 20150Two types of energy exist: kinetic energy is the energy of moving objects and potential energy is stored energy...
Launch your own horizontal rocket with the power of air pressure
By BookStore on October 6, 2015The human fascination with space travel has existed for many centuries and in 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first...
Make a self-filling water bowl for pets using air pressure
By BookStore on October 6, 2015Ever forget to fill your beloved dog's water bowl? For those lazy ones amongst us, it might be useful...
Make your own simple submarine
By BookStore on October 6, 2015All submarines use the principle of 'displacement' to enable them to dive down in the ocean and come up...
Build a rotor and have some fun in the wind
By BookStore on October 6, 2015We cannot see the air, but we can feel the wind on our bodies and see it blowing through...
Propel a small boat with compressed air
By BookStore on October 6, 2015You can have a lot of fun by making a 'jet-propelled' boat that is driven by the power of...
Learn about the power of moving air by making a windmill
By BookStore on October 6, 2015A windmill is a device which has been used since the seventh century to help humans to do work....
Learn about gyroscopic flight by making a frisbee
By BookStore on October 6, 2015People have always been fascinated by the science of flight and have built many flying objects over decades to...
Control the direction of soundwaves by reflecting it with umbrellas
By BookStore on October 6, 2015Sound waves can be reflected and when you are in a concert hall, you hear sounds bouncing from the...
Make a kazoo to learn more about sound & music
By BookStore on October 6, 2015Musical instruments make sounds by vibrating and then causing the air around it to vibrate. The specific sound that...