Make a tin can telephone
By BookStore on October 6, 20150When you speak, sound waves are created by vibrations or back and forth movements in the air. In other...
Make static electricity using a Van de Graaff generator
By BookStore on September 25, 2015A 'Van de Graaff' generator is an electrostatic generator often found in school science classrooms. With this device, a...
Make a light bulb shine using a lemon as a battery
By BookStore on September 23, 2015Batteries works because of the energy released by a chemical reaction which is then changed into electrical energy or...
Make an electrical door bell for your room
By BookStore on September 23, 2015In this science experiment we will study how electrical circuits are useful to us in our everyday lives. Many...
Use LED lights to decorate a paper X-mas tree
By BookStore on September 23, 2015Many very complex electrical circuits exist today, from radios, cell-phones, GPS systems and many others. These are all based...
Remove the tarnish off silverware using an electrolyte
By BookStore on September 23, 2015In a process called 'electroplating' it is also possible to reverse the process and 'add' electrons to a metal...
Learn how to read an electricity consumption meter
By BookStore on September 23, 2015It is easy to read an electric meter. In this science experiment, learn how to read and interpret an...
Learn about the speed of various falling objects
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Gravity can be explained as the force with which the earth attracts bodies near its surface. Gravity causes a...
Defying gravity with centrifugal force
By BookStore on September 22, 2015Gravity can be explained as the force with which the earth attracts bodies near its surface. You will know...
Tell the time with your own water clock
By BookStore on September 22, 2015In the old days telling time was not as easy as it is today. They used hourglasses, candle clocks...