Cut through ice with a string
By BookStore on September 22, 20150Ice is formed when liquid water cools down to '0' degrees ˚C, its 'freezing point. Let's see what happens...
Observe how hot air rises with a spiral
By BookStore on September 22, 2015We cannot see hot air rise, but we can certainly test if it is true with the following science...
Study how the positions of stars in the sky change
By BookStore on September 21, 2015The stars, including the 'Big Dipper' constellation, rotates around 'Polaris' daily as the earth turns around its own axis,...
Create your own solar and lunar eclipse
By BookStore on September 21, 2015Eclipse means to overshadow something. A 'solar eclipse' is caused by the moon blocking light to the earth, while...
Use turmeric and alcohol as an indicator to test if a substance is a base
By BookStore on September 18, 2015A mixture of turmeric and alcohol can be used as an 'indicator' to test if a substance is a...
Use tea to test for the presence of iron in foods
By BookStore on September 18, 2015Iron can be found in many types of foods, particularly in red meats, leafy vegetables and some fruits. Test...
Grow your own crystals along a piece of string
By BookStore on September 17, 2015When no more sugar can be dissolved in water, the sugar and water solution is 'saturated'. Crystallization takes place...
Send secret messages to your friends with your own invisible ink
By BookStore on September 17, 2015In this science experiment, become a master of 'steganography' by making your own invisible ink from baking soda and...
Study how heating food causes the chemicals in food to change
By BookStore on September 17, 2015Heating or grilling food causes many of the chemicals in food to change. These bio-chemical changes can cause the...
Test if salt water is more dense than fresh water
By BookStore on September 17, 2015'Density' is a physical property that all matter possess and can be used to compare two substances that have...