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Make bar magnets float on top of each other

Electricity and Magnetism science projects

Suitable For

Grade 2



Time Required

 <2 Days



What’s it about?

In this science experiment we will be making magic and having fun with magnets and the laws of magnetism. We will be making two magnets float on top of each other without touching! Let’s proceed:

Topics covered


What will I need?


Procedure (Method)

In this science experiment we will be making magic and having fun with magnets and the laws of magnetism. We will be making two magnets float on top of each other without touching! Let’s proceed:

Science project diagram
  1. Obtain two ‘bar’ magnets from your local hobby shop. ‘Bar’ magnets are straight with the north and south poles on opposite ends. Horseshoe magnets are bent in the form of a ‘U’ with both north and south poles next to each other at the ends. For this experiment ‘bar’ magnets will work best.
  2. Hang both magnets on a piece of string and wait until they come to rest. They will have a North / South orientation when they come to a standstill. Use a compass to find out which side is north and which side is south and mark it as such on the magnets.
  3. Obtain a flat, thick piece of ‘Styrofoam’ and lay one of the magnets on it. Draw the outline of the magnet on the Styrofoam ‘slab’ with a pencil, then stick tooth picks on the line, tight around the magnet, at about 20mm intervals forming a ‘fence’.
  4. Place the second magnet on top of the bottom magnet in the ‘fence’ with the two north ends and the two south ends of the magnets together. Watch as your magnets float on top of each other!

How does it work?

A Magnet is a metal object that attracts pieces of ferrous (metal) objects. Magnets always have a north and a south pole and the opposite poles always attract each other while the same (equal) poles will repel each other. The Top magnet ‘floats’ on top of the bottom magnet because two similar poles are placed next to each other and therefore repel or is pushed away from each other.

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